Book-contest feedback from teen judges makes my day

Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash

This may sound odd, but it can be difficult for an author of a young-adult book to get said book in front of actual young-adult readers.

They’re too busy with school, sports or fill-in-the-blank to read for pleasure. Their social media isn’t the author’s social media (Facebook is for fogies). They can’t be bothered to help their mother (cough cough) promote her book to their too-busy friends.

So when I learned of a contest called The Wishing Shelf Book Awards that would give me feedback from TEENAGE judges whether I won or not, I immediately entered, thinking I couldn’t lose.

I’m proud to report that The Leaving Year was named a finalist in Wishing Shelf’s “books for teenagers” category. But that’s not why I’m writing this post, because that’s actually old news.

What isn’t old news is my feedback. I just received it in an email after I nudged Billy Bob Buttons (aka Edward Trayer), the UK-based children’s author who runs the contest.

(I thought he’d missed me. Turns out, I just never saw the email he sent in August.) 

Anyway, here is the feedback I received from 20 secondary school students in the United Kingdom and one adult publisher. Truth be told, it couldn’t have come at a better time – with the dark days, struggling with Novel 2, etc.  

I should point out, once again, that it takes a team to put out a quality book that’s well-edited and designed to be beautiful inside and out. I share my kudos with my beta readers (you know who you are) and the professionals at Nothing to Novel and SparkPress.

Thank you all. And thank you Billy Bob for an honest contest that supports independent authors.

The Wishing Shelf Book Awards 2018


This book was entered in The Wishing Shelf Book Awards. This is what our readers thought:
Title: The Leaving Year
Author: Pam McGaffin

Star Rating: 5 Stars
Number of Readers: 20


Editing: 9/10
Writing Style: 9/10
Content: 9/10
Cover: 10/10
Of the 20 readers:
18 would read another book by this author.
20 thought the cover was good or excellent.
19 felt it was easy to follow.
19 would recommend this story to another reader to try.
10 felt the author’s strongest skill was ‘plotting a story’.
10 felt the author’s strongest skill was ‘developing the characters’.
17 felt the pacing was good or excellent.
18 thought the author understood the readership and what they wanted.

Readers’ Comments

‘I so wanted to know what would happen. I’m glad I read this book.’ Male reader, aged 15

‘If you enjoy books set in an unconventional place, and you also enjoy family sagas and secrets, this is for you.’ Female reader, aged 15

‘This is such an amazing story/book. First, the cover looks cool. Secondly, the characters jump off the page. Thirdly, the author knows how to grip a reader with good pacing and a strong, intriguing plot.’ Female reader, aged 17

‘Well-written novel, perfect for teenagers. Possibly girls will enjoy this more than boys, but you never know. The plot structure was simple and elegant, and the writing style was top-notch for this genre. The author should be proud of her work.’ Male reader (publisher), aged 54

‘I was gripped by this story. I think Petrovich was a warm, interesting character who I rooted for. The author’s fab at describing setting which is important when the story is set in such an usual place – unusual for a girl sitting in York, England that it.’ Female reader, aged 17
‘The whole Alaska setting blew me away.’ Male reader, aged 16

To Sum It Up:
‘A truly wonderful coming-of-age story teenagers will enjoy. A FINALIST and highly recommended,’ The Wishing Shelf Book Awards

Showing 6 comments
  • Carl

    That is fantastic. Great to get that feedback, Pam. Well deserved, and you are correct, you are hearing it from the coveted target audience—not an old duff such as myself.
    Thanks for sharing it with the rest of us.


    • Pam McGaffin

      Thanks, Carl!

  • Reply

    How encouraging, Pam!

    • Pam McGaffin

      Thanks, Laura!

  • Audrey Gervasi

    Go Pambo! I couldn’t agree more with those glowing reviews but kids are a hard sell so I say kudos to you!

    • Pam McGaffin

      Thanks, Audrey! I agree with you about kids being a hard-sell.

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